Walt Disney's original animated cartoon star, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, is celebrated in this giclée on wood by Trevor Carlton. ''American Classic'' is a limited edition of just 95 and is individually signed by the artist.
While visiting the former Disney Bros. Studio on Kingswell Ave. in Hollywood (Est. 1923), Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Mickey Mouse pair up to display their family resemblance. The limited edition ''Bros in Business'' comes gallery wrapped on canvas and is hand signed by artist Tim Rogerson and individually hand-numbered.
While visiting the former Disney Bros. Studio on Kingswell Ave. in Hollywood (Est. 1923), Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Mickey Mouse pair up to display their own family resemblance. ''Bros in Business'' by Tim Rogerson is a limited edition giclée on gallery wrapped canvas.
Celebrate the art and legacy of Disney Animation with this limited edition gicleé canvas print featuring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. ''Oswald'' by Arcy is fully framed and ready to hang.